LINCOLN- The relationships that normally help shape legislation were delayed or reduced amidst the pandemic, two state senators told a Lincoln Chamber of Commerce briefing.
"It placed freshmen senators in a really tough position," two-term Sen. Brett Lindstrom of Omaha said, because they had to wait to develop the personal relationships that can be a key factor in achieving legislative success.
First term Sen. Eliot Bostar said there were some legislators he did not speak to for the first few months. "Everyone has something to teach me," Bostar said. Beyond freshman senators, second-term and beyond senators missed the opportunity to step into the Rotunda and speak with their colleagues, lobbyists and representatives from various organizations as they do in a normal session.
In instances such as LB64, it is a two-term issue. Without the typical conversations being had, new senators are at a disadvantage in debate with the issue.
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