LINCOLN- In a 42-2 vote of approval for a $2 million study of mitigating flooding and enhancing economic development along the Lower Platte River, Lake McConaughy and Lewis and Clark Lake. Sen. Mike McDonnell proposed the study, which in an amendment adopted Thursday, will be called the "STAR WARS" committee, or the “Statewide Tourism and Recreational Water Access and Resource Sustainability Special Committee.”
McDonnell believed the study was needed because of the $3.4 billion in flood damage along major rivers in 2019. He went on to say that these damages could have been reduced with better levees and other controls.
The two 'no' votes, Sen. Moser and Sen. Albrecht, said that state entities are already doing flood control studies and this would turn into just another study shelved and ignored. Other senators had a problem with the high cost of the study.
“Maybe we should call it ‘Noah’s ark,’” Moser said, rather than STAR WARS. “It’s down to earth. That’s where the problem is.”
Speaker Hilgers pledged to discuss all changes wanted for this bill before it heads to second round debate.
Also included in debate is a bill that would allow an increase in non-resident state park entry permits from $45 to $60. Sen. Hughes says the increase in revenue will help control Lake McConaughy on big holiday weekends, often said to be overcrowded and dangerous.
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