LINCOLN- Following the previous election cycle, several important Nebraska Democrats says the party needs to approach voters in a more moderate tone to better election results. But the current party chair, and others, contend Nebraska Democrats are already doing just that and criticism to the contrary doesn’t match the reality on the ground.
The party recognized that currently there is a divide amongst its group members, but said the disagreements and stances are nowhere near the levels of the divide that is currently seen across the aisle with the Nebraska Republicans. The dispute was on display earlier this month when former U.S. Sen. Bob Kerrey described the state party as “pathetic.” Nebraska Democratic Party Chairwoman Jane Kleeb called Kerrey’s remarks a “slap in the face.”
Kerrey stood by his criticisms and said the state party painted the Democratic candidates in the midterms as more radical than they actually are. Kerry pointed to neighboring states who have been actively flipping seats in historically red districts. Kerrey, along with former Gov. Ben Nelson, the last Democrat to hold the office in Nebraska, suggested the party increase focus on pulling moderate voters to their side.
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