LINCOLN- As many already know, those who make up Nerbaska politics will be continuously changing in the next couple of weeks. From a new governor and cabinet to 14 new state senators and staff, the state's makeup will be different. “It’s going to be pretty devastating as far as institutional knowledge walking out the door,” said State Sen. Mark Kolterman of Seward, who is at the end of his eight years in the Legislature. “We’re just at kind of a crossroads right now.”

The Clerk of the Legislature, Patrick O'Donnell, announced he would be leaving last month. A legislative fiscal office veteran, Liz Hruska, announced she is calling it a career. Janice Satra, Bill Marienau, and Kate Allen are members of legislative legal counsel for various committees and are calling it quits. 

Longtime directors of three other legislative divisions retired in recent years — state Ombudsman Marshall Lux, Revisor of Statutes Joanne Pepperl and Nancy Cyr, director of research. That leaves only the performance audit division without a recent change in leadership. “We are diminished,” said State Senator John Stinner, who is at the end of his two terms. “We’ve lost that long-term knowledge. Where do we get our institutional knowledge now? The lobby? Trial and error?”

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