LINCOLN- LB857, introduced by Sen. George Dungan to create the Nebraska Prenatal Plus Program, was amended on Thursday by Sen. Carolyn Bosn to include Medicaid coverage for continuous glucose monitors. These monitors are utilized by individuals who have gestational diabetes.
"In line with the things that I was trying to do this session, good policy that benefits all Nebraskans and improves the quality of life, supports families, this fit all those boxes," said Bosn. Gestational diabetes is typically diagnosed at about 20 weeks of pregnancy, and usually ends after the baby is delivered.
Continuous glucose monitors, said Bosn, have demonstrated a reduction in neonatal intensive care and pre-delivery hospital stays. Bosn argued that this amendment would likely result in savings that would "significantly outweigh" the fiscal impact of the bill, while also improving the health and quality of life of moms and babies.
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