LINCOLN- Nebraskans will now have to get acclimated to a new driving law prohibiting right turns on steady red arrows. The state is implementing the standard which has already been in place federally. A change introduced this spring by the state's Department of Transportation brought the state traffic signal laws to the same standard as the federal Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices, specifying no right turns on red arrows and no left turns onto one-way streets.
Nebraska DOT's public relations manager, Jeni Campana, came forward to clarify any misunderstandings. “It only deals with arrows. It does not deal with ‘a red ball,’ as we refer to it,” said Campana. Drivers turning right now must stop and wait for a red arrow to change, but may still proceed after coming to a full stop if approaching a red ball as long as there is no sign indicating otherwise.
The City of Lincoln had an ordinance that implemented these distinctions before the Nebraska Supreme Court invalidated it in 2022. While old traffic lights may still have additional signs indicating that turning on a red light is prohibited, new signs will exclude the distinguishment and expect drivers to be cognizant of the new rule. The change was amended into Legislative Bill 1200, which passed unanimously.
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